If you have been the victim of an accident with an intoxicated driver, an Acworth drunk driving lawyer can help. The team at The CEO Lawyer Personal Injury Law Firm has been diligently serving the community for years and has taken on countless cases representing Acworth citizens like yourself.
A drunk driving case can be full of challenging investigations, especially when it comes to getting the negligent party to admit liability, but The CEO Lawyer can advocate for your legal interests and right to pursue compensation along the way.
Ali Awad, the founding and managing attorney of The CEO Lawyer Personal Injury Law Firm, has built up a local firm into a national brand in just three short years, growing because of a dedicated commitment to excellence. An initial consultation with The CEO is completely cost-free, and it comes with no obligation to continue with our services.
During an initial meeting, we can help you understand the specifics of your case, map out a general course of action for pursuing your claim, and give you the chance to ask any pressing legal questions you may have. To schedule your free case review and consultation, call (470) 828-4288 or contact us online today.
How Can an Acworth Drunk Driving Attorney Protect My Personal Injury Claim?
Every year, over 1 million people are arrested for driving under the influence. We all share the road, and, on occasion, that means coming into contact with reckless and irresponsible drivers.
Driving under the influence is one of the biggest dangers to motorists on the road, causing a fatal crash on average every 39 minutes.
While driving under the influence is a crime in every state, alcohol’s effect of limiting inhibitions can make it hard for intoxicated drivers to find a moment of clarity and put down their keys. An intoxicated person may be unable to identify if they are a danger to society due to clouded judgment, but that doesn’t make them any less responsible for any damages caused by their negligence.
Failing to recognize when enough is enough is no excuse for endangering the lives of everyone on the road. When an accident happens, the negligent driver should be held responsible.
An accident is naturally scary to endure, but an encounter with a drunk driver adds a whole new level of stress and frustration to the experience. Getting into a car accident already leaves the victim with new debts and expenses, so victims will want to seek a way to pursue compensation without taking up more of their precious time and energy.
You can lean on the knowledge, past experiences, and resources of an attorney to guide you through a drunk driving accident claim instead of juggling all aspects of recovery on your own. The services our attorney offers will be uniquely provided to best fit your case, but generally, you can count on your personal injury attorney for tasks including:
- Organizing all collected documentation: Any type of accident can leave the victim with extensive amounts of paperwork. When a drunk driver is involved, there may be even more. From police reports and witness statements to doctor’s assessments and toxicology reports, your attorney can review all collected documentation and help you organize it all to make the most of each one.
- Managing communication with all outside parties: To settle a personal injury claim, all parties must be able to communicate effectively. It can be challenging for the victim of an accident to feel comfortable recounting their experience over and over, but an attorney can take over and speak on the victim’s behalf throughout litigation while being there to support and assist in times when you must be present.
- Helping you understand the laws, regulations, and best practices around your case: Every state has different laws on how to proceed with personal injury claims, and more specifically, drunk driving claims. An attorney can help you map out the important statutes that can affect your case, as well as put together a plan of action for representing your best interests throughout litigation.
- Investigating your accident, including a thorough evaluation of claims of negligence: When sorting through all of the collected data from the accident, an attorney can catch small details that another person might overlook. The experience and knowledge of an attorney can help make this step more efficient, allowing you to spend time focused on something more important, like the healing journey.
- Negotiating on your behalf: One of the most challenging aspects of any personal injury claim is to present a settlement figure and fight for its value. Your lawyer can take over this daunting task by representing you through negotiations and utilizing the information from previous steps in the claim process to drive the conversation.
What Are the Recoverable Damages After a Drunk Driving Accident in Acworth?
A compensatory settlement after a drunk driving accident will include damages separated into multiple categories.
Compensatory damages refer to all damages, monetary and non-monetary, that a victim has taken on as a result of the accident. This type of settlement is awarded to help victims recover their financial losses.
Medical expenses, the cost of continued treatment, loss of wages or ability to work, pain and suffering, loss of companionship, and mental anguish are all examples of compensatory damages.
In some personal injury claims, including drunk driving cases, a unique type of damages can be awarded to victims to make an example out of the negligent actions displayed by the drunk driver. Punitive damages are awarded at the conclusion of certain jury trials as a deterrent for drunk driving, and while Georgia has a $250,000 cap on punitive damages, it does not apply when the liable party’s judgment is substantially impaired at the time of the accident. If you’re involved in such a case, consulting a personal injury lawyer in Acworth can provide you with guidance tailored to your situation.
How is D.U.I. Status Determined?
Law enforcement is responsible for determining if a driver is operating a vehicle under the influence, and this can be done in a few ways depending on how the officer assesses the situation. The threshold for impairment is 0.08% BAC in Georgia, but in Acworth and elsewhere, police officers are granted the ability to place drivers under arrest even if their BAC is lower than the legal limit if they prove to be a danger to themselves or others.
To determine if a motorist is driving drunk, an officer can use three methods:
- General observation: Police officers are trained to identify signs of an inebriated driver, such as glazed pupils, slurred speech, and, of course, reckless driving.
- Field sobriety test: There are many tests, such as the Walk in a Line and Stand on One Leg tests, that officers utilize to test balance and control.
- Breathalyzer test: Finally, the most accurate test is where a person blows into the device for it to read their BAC. However, this test may not be accurate for a disabled person or someone with certain neurological conditions.
What Should I Do After an Accident With a Drunk Driver?
An accident victim should closely follow these steps to protect not only their well-being but also the validity of their insurance claim later:
- Seek medical attention: After an accident, the most important thing to do is take care of your physical health. See a medical professional to have any and all injuries assessed before moving on with your day. If new injuries develop hours after the accident, do not hesitate to meet with a doctor.
- Contact law enforcement: The police can put together an accident report a proper police report, and make an arrest on the scene in some cases of drunk driving accidents. A driver should contact the proper authorities whenever they notice an intoxicated driver on the road to keep officers alert for situations like accidents.
- Document the details of the accident along with recovery: Accident scenes are generally cleaned up within a few hours of the collision, so if you are physically capable, taking photos and videos of the scene can be pivotal in putting together the events. It is also essential that the victim document their injuries and the recovery process, as this can emphasize the impact of the event for representatives such as insurance adjusters.
- Find witnesses: Oftentimes, the scene of an accident will draw attention and ultimately attract witnesses. If you have the means to do so, prompting a witness to stay for a statement or asking for their contact information to relay to the police can add a golden, unbiased perspective to the scene. There is a chance that 911 calls came in preceding the accident regarding the intoxicated driver, which law enforcement can use for their investigation as well.
- Never neglect follow-up care: An insurance adjuster can utilize any fine detail they see fit to undermine the value of a claim. It is crucial that an accident victim follow up with care such as physical rehabilitation to show a good-faith effort to recover. By neglecting your own care, you could be sabotaging your Acworth drunk driving accident claim.
If You’ve Been Injured in an Accident, Call a Trusted Acworth Drunk Driving Law Firm
An accident is an overwhelming experience that can leave the victim confused and unsure about their next steps, but with the help of a skilled Acworth drunk driving attorney, you can make your claim to a recovery settlement a smoother process altogether. With The CEO Lawyer standing by, there is no need to juggle your physical and financial recovery at the same time.
A professional is there to help you, reducing your stress while raising your chances of obtaining compensation.
The CEO Lawyer Personal Injury Law Firm upholds an average 99% success rate among our clients, all from serving the community with passion and dedication. To schedule your free, no-obligation consultation, call (470) 828-4288 or contact us online today.