Are you wondering what is a lawsuit? How do you actually start a lawsuit? What documents do you actually need? A lawsuit or litigation is a bit more complicated than it seems at first blush. If you find yourself in a position where you need to sue someone to recover from a loss or to […]

Amer Abukhdeir

March 22, 2021

We’ve all seen or heard it before. That article titled “one thing lawyers don’t want you to know!” or “never get another speeding ticket!” or your uncle tells you he’s been doing some research and a friend of his in a forum told him a trick you won’t believe. In-person or on the internet, someone […]

Amer Abukhdeir

March 22, 2021

We will give you the answer to this question first. No, you are unlikely to be able to sue someone for giving you COVID-19. But there is a caveat, and that is if you are a first responder, law enforcement authority, paramedic, or other front-line public health official, you might have a claim for someone […]

Ali Awad

March 18, 2021

It may be difficult to determine if a person is discriminated in a store, or if the individual suffers an incident of discrimination, a person can file a discrimination claim. For this information, there needs to be a review of the facts. In general, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it […]

Ali Awad

March 18, 2021

Commuter and rail passenger trains help people move quickly and affordably from one area of Georgia to another. Unfortunately, a person can be injured on a rail train service train. Are you wondering if you can file a rail passenger train injury claim? Even minor collisions can result in the loss of life or have […]

Ali Awad

March 18, 2021

It is usually a difficult decision to put a loved one into an assisted care facility to augment that person’s special needs and care. The relationship with the healthcare workers at the assisted care, nursing home, or other types of live-in care facility needs to be one of complete transparency, trust, and a promise to […]

Ali Awad

March 18, 2021

Georgia has strict laws regarding texting and electronic device use while driving. In a word, “don’t” text, write or send messages, instant message, view social media, look at Internet data, or use any reading-based communication while driving. It also stands to reason that you are not permitted to watch videos on a mobile device while […]

Ali Awad

March 18, 2021

Georgia has strict laws (Ga. Code Ann., § 51-2-6 to 7) concerning dog bites and owner liabilities. In Georgia, the state statute notes strict liability for dogs that bite others. There are three requirements under this law that apply to the dog and owner. First, the law also states that the animal must be considered […]

Ali Awad

March 18, 2021

A medication error claim is initiated when a healthcare professional, nurse, doctor, or anyone in charge of distributing medication to a patient gets the medication wrong and causes harm to the patient as a result. Medication errors are fully preventable in most cases and can result in many situations in the healthcare setting. What Are […]

Ali Awad

March 18, 2021


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