What Are the Steps of the Insurance Claim Process After a Car Accident?

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A lawyer in his office in the late afternoon and holding a clipboard with papers pertaining to a client's case.Automobile accidents can happen to even the safest drivers. When an accident occurs, there are a few important things you should do: check on everyone’s safety, notify the police, and exchange information with any other drivers involved.

Moving on to the next phase, filing a car insurance claim involves considerations. Familiarizing yourself with the type of information your insurer might need and understanding the intricacies of your policy can significantly ease the claims process.

It’s beneficial to inquire with your insurance provider about any specific deadlines for claim submission to avoid potential delays in receiving compensation for repairs.

Although each insurance company manages the claims process slightly differently, many processes are the same. Read this general overview of what to prepare for while filing an insurance claim.

How Do Insurance Claims Work in New York?

Given the particular laws and procedures of the state, negotiating the insurance claim process following a car accident in New York can be challenging. To assist you in understanding how insurance claims are handled in New York, below is an overview:

Understanding No-Fault Insurance

New York is a no-fault insurance state. This means that after a car accident, regardless of who was at fault, your car insurance policy will pay for your medical bills and certain other expenses up to your policy’s limit.

This system is designed to speed up the payment process for expenses but also limits your ability to sue the other driver except in severe injury cases.

Initial Steps after an Accident

Immediately after an accident, seeking medical attention for any injuries is essential. Then, you must report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible, adhering to the deadlines outlined in your policy.

Documenting the scene of the accident, obtaining a copy of the police report, and gathering any evidence of damages and injuries can be crucial.

Filing a Claim

When filing your claim, you’ll typically need to provide details about the accident, evidence of your injuries, and documentation of any expenses incurred. This includes medical bills, proof of lost wages, and reports outlining any property damage.

In New York, you must file a claim under your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage, part of your no-fault insurance, for medical expenses, lost earnings, and other related costs.

Investigation and Adjustment

Once your claim is filed, the insurance company will investigate the circumstances of the accident. This investigation can involve reviewing medical records, examining the accident report, and possibly assessing vehicle damage.

An insurance adjuster will determine the extent of the company’s liability and calculate the settlement offer.


After the investigation, the insurance company will make a settlement offer to cover your losses. It’s crucial to review this offer carefully, as it may not fully cover your expenses and losses.

You may negotiate for a higher amount if the settlement offer is insufficient. If you cannot reach a satisfactory agreement, seeking legal assistance may be necessary, especially if you believe the insurance company is acting in bad faith.

Legal Action

If negotiations fail or the insurance company denies your claim unjustly, you may consider filing a lawsuit for further compensation. Legal action might be the only way to obtain fair compensation in cases involving severe injuries or disputes over fault.

This is where having an experienced New York car accident attorney can be invaluable, as they can guide you through the legal problems and advocate on your behalf.

Important Considerations

  • Time Limits: New York has specific deadlines for filing claims and taking legal action, known as statutes of limitations. You generally have 30 days from the accident date to file for no-fault insurance claims. For personal injury lawsuits, the statute of limitations is typically three years from the accident date.


  • Dealing with Insurance Companies: Be cautious when communicating with insurance adjusters, especially those from the other party’s insurer. They may attempt to minimize your claim or dispute your accident account.

How Does the CEO Lawyer Personal Injury Law Firm Help in the Insurance Claim Process?

At the CEO Lawyer Personal Injury Law Firm, we bring years of dedicated experience to support victims of car accidents in obtaining the compensation they deserve for their injuries. Our specialization in personal injury law equips us with an in-depth understanding of the legal issues and the insurance claims process, ensuring our clients receive expert guidance.

Suffering injuries in a car accident in New York City can be overwhelmingly stressful, adding undue strain during your recovery period. We aim to alleviate that pressure by expertly managing the insurance claims process, allowing you to focus on your recovery in peace.

Upon entrusting your case to us, our immediate actions include:

  • A thorough analysis of your insurance policy to identify the full range of your coverage.
  • In collaboration with your healthcare providers, a detailed review of your medical records to gain a comprehensive understanding of your injuries and their impact.
  • A precise calculation of your total damages ensures every loss is accounted for.
  • Exploration of additional compensation avenues should your insurance fall short of covering all your needs.

Moreover, we will guide you through the insurance claims process with diligence, ensuring your claim is comprehensive, detailed, and accurately reflects the facts. If the insurance company unfairly denies or limits your claim, we are prepared to assess all of your legal options, including the potential for a lawsuit.

To begin your journey toward recovery, contact our New York-based legal practice right now.

What are the Types of Car Insurance Claims?

In auto insurance, claims can generally be categorized into two primary types, each relevant to the circumstances surrounding a car accident and the parties involved. These are known as third-party and first-party claims, each with distinct procedures and implications for the claimant.

Third-Party Claims

When an individual believes another driver is at fault for a car accident, they can pursue a third-party claim. This type of claim is filed against the other driver’s insurance policy to secure compensation for damages incurred.

These damages can encompass both personal injuries and property damage. The objective of a third-party claim is to obtain restitution for losses suffered due to the other party’s negligence or fault.

First-Party Claims

Conversely, first-party claims involve an individual filing a claim against their auto insurance policy. Several situations may necessitate this approach, including:

  • Residents of a no-fault car insurance state seek benefits through “personal injury protection” (PIP) or “medical payments” (MedPay) coverage.
  • Claiming compensation for vehicle damage via one’s collision coverage.
  • Addressing scenarios where the other driver is uninsured or underinsured necessitates a claim against one’s uninsured motorist (UM) or underinsured motorist (UIM) coverage.

Both kinds of claims provide financial assistance to people after an accident but do so through different means and in different situations. It is essential to understand the nature of these claims and how to use them effectively to effectively handle the following days of a car accident and collect the necessary compensation.

How to Calculate the Value of Insurance Claims?

When calculating medical expenses and lost income, the process is relatively straightforward. However, quantifying the non-economic impact, like pain and suffering, is more complex; insurance companies use specific formulas to estimate compensation for these intangible losses.

The process begins with the total of all medical expenses. This sum is usually multiplied by a factor between 1.5 and 2 for less severe injuries, though it can range up to 5, reflecting the injury’s severity.

This step calculates “special damages,” which are losses with measurable costs, in contrast to “general damages,” which encompass losses without a direct monetary equivalent.

For more serious injuries, the multiplier might be as high as 5. After calculating special damages, the analyst incorporates lost earnings to determine the settlement amount.

It’s common for claimants to negotiate with insurers for a higher compensation amount.

Should You File a Lawsuit if Your Car Insurance Claim Is Denied?

When contemplating whether to initiate legal action, particularly if an insurance claim hasn’t been satisfactorily resolved, you have a couple of pathways. You might consider suing your insurance provider for not honoring the terms of your insurance contract, known as a first-party claim.

Alternatively, if your grievance involves another party, such as a traffic incident, you could file a third-party claim, targeting the other individual for negligence.

The decision to pursue litigation should not be taken lightly. It involves weighing several crucial factors, including:

  • The potential financial benefits of winning a lawsuit, factoring in legal fees and other expenses, versus the outcomes of settling outside of court.
  • The likelihood of successfully collecting any awarded judgments.

It’s equally important to consider the emotional and mental toll a lawsuit can demand. The legal process, potentially extending to appeals, could be swifter.

The time and patience required to handle the judicial system might exceed your capacity or willingness to wait, pushing you toward settlement as a more viable option.

Making an Insurance Claim Following a Mishap? Get Expert Legal Guidance

We frequently forget about car insurance until needed, which becomes a significant problem. It’s regrettably too late to change your insurance at that point to lessen the consequences if you find yourself at fault for a car crash without having enough liability or other pertinent coverage.

The proactive step is to ensure adequate protection before any mishaps occur.

Don’t wait for a worst-case scenario to unfold. Engage with our New York car accident lawyers today at (516) 689-1132 to discuss the insurance coverage types and amounts that align best with your needs, ensuring you’re well-prepared for any eventuality.

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Frequently Asked Questions

After a personal injury, you're bound to have legal questions. The CEO Lawyer Ali Awad can provide you with answers to these questions, just as he's given answers to his millions of curious social media followers. Take a look at some of the most common personal injury law questions for general information, and then reach out to one of our seasoned attorneys for specific guidance on your case!

Contact us now (833) 254-2923.

Help Negotiating with Insurance Carriers

To quickly resolve matters following an accident, insurance companies will offer you less than you deserve in compensation for your injuries. Many victims feel pressured to accept these offers as the bills begin to pile up, but that is rarely a good idea. The insurance company is looking to protect its bottom line; and will offer injured victims less than they deserve. An experienced personal injury attorney understands how to negotiate with the insurance company and can look out for your best interests by getting you the compensation you deserve after an injury. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, it is important to avoid negotiating or providing recorded statements to the insurance company without first seeking help from a qualified personal injury attorney.

Do You Have a Personal Injury Case?

The best way to determine if you have a personal injury case is to speak with a knowledgeable attorney. Our legal professionals have the expertise to evaluate your case and determine a strong legal strategy so that you can obtain the greatest amount of compensation possible under the law. We will enlist investigators, assistants, and other specialists to collect accident reports, speak with witnesses to your accident, and put together a plan. While you focus on your physical recovery, we will remain committed to fighting for the compensation that you deserve.

Georgia's Personal Injury & Accident Firm

Accident victims have a limited time to file a personal injury lawsuit. This time period is referred to as the statute of limitations, and in Atlanta, it lasts only two years. This means that if you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, you have only two years to pursue a personal injury suit. If you wait too long to reach out to an experienced attorney, you might be forever barred from seeking the compensation you deserve.

What to Expect From Your Initial Consultation With a Personal Injury Attorney?

During your initial consultation with CEO Lawyer team, we will go over the important details of your personal injury accident, which include the nature and extent of your injuries, how your injuries have impacted your ability to earn a paycheck, the cost of your medical treatment, and whether further medical treatment will be required. We will answer any questions you might have, as well, in regards to our experience, our track record of success, and what to expect from the legal process. Many personal injury victims wonder if they will be able to afford the legal fees required to pursue a lawsuit. CEO Lawyer injury and accident attorneys will not ask for any type of upfront fee unless we are successful in obtaining compensation for you. That means that if you have been harmed in a motor vehicle accident, slip and fall accident, defective product accident, or any other type of personal injury accident, you can absolutely afford to contact our law office today for assistance. In fact, you cannot afford to wait. Reach out today. We understand that some accident victims might have already obtained the assistance of an attorney but may be dissatisfied with the services provided. We are standing by and prepared to help you change legal representation, regardless of where you are in the process.

Speak to an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Today

If you or a loved one has been injured in any type of personal injury accident, you should not hesitate to speak with the experienced attorneys at CEO Lawyer personal injury law firm. Call, email, or fill out our online contact form today so that we can begin helping you pursue the compensation you deserve.