After an accident in which you were injured, you might consider seeking the advice of a personal injury lawyer to give yourself the best chance at recovering the monetary damages owed to you. However, it can be daunting to talk with an attorney while you are still trying to recover from your accident. What should you even ask your potential personal injury lawyer?
Here we have compiled some of the most common questions we at CEO Lawyer Personal Injury Law Firm have been asked in the past. After reading the following, we hope that you will feel more prepared for your initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer. If you have been the victim of an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, reach out to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.
Do I Have a Case?
The first question a new client will want to know is if their case is a “winner.” While a simple question, the response is dependent on how much information you have been able to retain since your accident.
It may not be a priority to document everything happening around you during the initial trauma of the accident, medical treatment, and the first painful steps toward recovery. We understand, and it is part of your personal injury lawyer’s responsibility to investigate before you file a claim and gather as much information as possible.
However, for your lawyer to give an initial answer to the viability of your case, having notes about your progress, copies of your medical records, and copies of the accident report can be helpful.
Finally, do not expect an immediate “yes” or “no” answer to this question. When representing your interests, it is important to assess the holistic picture of the accident’s events. Even if you have maintained meticulous notes, your lawyer will need to understand the position of the other parties involved in the accident. This can take time.
What Amount of Monetary Damages am I Eligible to Receive?
Many factors go into evaluating any injury claim, and it can be difficult to estimate what you might receive from either an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit. While some might think that a personal injury lawyer who has handled lots of cases will better understand monetary awards, we find that to be the opposite.
An experienced personal injury lawyer will understand that the facts and circumstances of your particular case weigh more heavily on what might be your award than any other experience.
When Will We File the Lawsuit?
It can be difficult to wait after you have decided to hire an attorney and move forward with your personal injury legal claim. Still, at times patience will pay off because negotiations before a legal claim is filed can lead to a settlement agreement that is most beneficial to you.
A personal injury attorney will attempt to negotiate a settlement to avoid litigation costs and court delays. Your attorney will provide medical information and doctor reports to the liability insurance companies for review and consideration. If the other parties are cooperative and fair, they often agree on a reasonable settlement.
Only then, if negotiations fail to produce an acceptable result, will your attorney file suit – this method can save you money and time in the long run.
Contact us Today
The injury and accident attorneys at CEO Lawyer want to help you receive the damages you rightfully deserve and will work with you every step of the way to make sure that you feel connected to the decision-making about your case. After all, this is about your injury and the compensation owed to you. Schedule an appointment today, and ask us the tough questions. We are ready to fight for you.