The Insurance Company is Not Your Friend Do Not Sign a Release form Unless You Know Exactly What You are Signing

Most insurance companies try to have you sign your rights away. They may offer you some money for the accident and allocate some money for future medical expenses. But you need to understand and read these documents carefully because these payments usually have a limit, and it will rarely be the total amount of insurance […]

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4 Things to Consider When Handling Your Own Atlanta Personal Injury Lawsuit

Negotiating the settlement of your own Atlanta personal injury lawsuit might seem like a slam dunk. Some of the most common reasons people do this include: I can research the law and other cases like mine on the internet I know how to negotiate I have the contact information of all the parties involved The […]

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Do I Have a Car Accident Claim if I Did Not Feel Hurt at the Scene?

At the scene of an automobile accident, you may not feel injured because your body is likely filled with adrenaline. Medical and scientific research has proven that your body will feel less pain due to adrenaline. That is a key reason why adrenaline is nick-named the “flight or fight” hormone because it will enable the […]

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What is the Timeline for Filing a Personal Injury Complaint? 

After you have been injured in an accident, the first thing that most people do is seek appropriate medical treatments for both immediate injuries and lasting conditions. It may be days or weeks before you begin to think about hiring an attorney to review the facts of your personal injury complaint and perhaps seek a […]

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How to Find the Right Lawyer for Your Injury Case

You have been involved in a car accident. Finding the right lawyer for your injury case is more involved than that. There are many factors that you should consider when hiring a lawyer. You may be working with your lawyer for years, so you need someone you get along well with and can trust. Finding the […]

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How to Win Your Personal Injury Case on Your Own

You were involved in a car accident and suffered moderate injuries. You broke your arm and are suffering from back and neck pain. You lost a few weeks of work. Your car is totaled. You want to obtain compensation for your damages but do not want to deal with a lawyer. After all, a lawyer […]

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