Atlanta is one of the busiest cities in the country. With a population of almost half a million, there are even more people in the city when you account for commuters and tourists.
With all the commuters and city residents looking to get from one place to the other, car accidents are a given, especially when a mistake is made when changing lanes.
Changing lanes is part of the usual driving routine. Drivers are supposed to look through their mirrors and over their shoulders, but that does not always happen.
In Atlanta, improper lane changes can cause some serious accidents. One mistake can lead to injuries and significant property damage.
You may have a case if you are a victim of someone negligently changing lanes. The CEO Lawyer Personal Injury Law Firm is ready to help you.
Call us today at (404) 777-8800 or contact us online to schedule your free initial consultation.
How an Atlanta Improper Lane Changes Accident Attorney Can Help
The aftermath of a car accident can quickly fill your schedule with daunting tasks, like communicating with insurance companies and gathering documents, witness statements, and evidence. When you hire an improper lane change accident attorney, these tasks are handled for you.
In the case where your claim goes to trial, your legal team should be ready and willing to enter the courts to fight for you.
Car accidents can vary in severity. Depending on the circumstances of the crash, you may experience pain and injuries that will require your attention, time, and effort to heal from.
Hiring a car accident lawyer who is knowledgeable in Georgia driving laws can help ensure that you can focus on healing while the legal nuances are handled on your behalf.
Common Types of Lane Change Accidents
Most lane change accidents occur when there is a stable flow of traffic. As drivers maneuver their cars to a supposed empty spot in the lane next to them, they may forget to look, miscalculate distances between cars, and more.
In Atlanta, where roads like I-85 can be as many as eight lanes wide, lane changes become a critical component of getting from A to B. Drivers may be aggressively darting to reach an exit, or they may casually switch lanes with little warning, sometimes making contact with other vehicles.
In a city where caution should be the operative word, Atlanta drivers’ behavior can be anything but.
Some of the most common actions causing lane change accidents in Atlanta are:
- Swerves from hazards
- Left lane changes
- Right lane changes
- Turning into the wrong lane, especially at intersections
- Merging into traffic from a parked position without looking
- Sideswiping another car as they try to pass them
- Changing lanes without signaling other drivers
- Moving into another car’s path
Drivers should always be aware of road conditions and check their blind spots before switching lanes.
Causes of Lane Change Accidents
Identifying the causes of lane change accidents can be concluded by evidence and the details of the police report. There are five main causes of improper lane change:
- Distracted driving
- Driving under the influence
- Reckless driving
- Inexperienced driving
- Driving while feeling fatigued
Distracted Driving
Accidents caused by distracted drivers are increasing in rates across the country. From cell phone use to the GPS or radio, one minor distraction can prevent the driver from reacting in time to a hazard or traffic.
There are about 3,000 deaths each year related to distracted driving accidents, and those numbers are climbing. Drivers may encounter visual distractions, manual distractions, or cognitive distractions that can take their attention from the road.
Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
Whether it is alcohol or drugs, driving while under the influence is illegal and can have serious criminal and civil consequences. About 31% of all car accidents in the US are caused by an incapacitated driver with a BAC that is .08% or higher.[1]
In Georgia alone, there were over 400 impaired driving fatalities.[2]
Reckless Driving
Reckless driving is any kind of behavior on the road that is considered dangerous and negligent. Speeding is the most common form of reckless driving. In 2021, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that speeding was responsible for the deaths of 12,330 people across the US, approximately 29% of all car-related fatalities in that year.[3]
Inexperienced Driving
New drivers are entering the roadways all the time, but with a lack of experience comes an increased chance they will be in an accident. While the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that there was a decrease in accidents caused by young drivers, there has been a 14% increase in deaths.[4]
Driving Fatigued
They say that driving while fatigued is just as bad as driving under the influence. The truth is that response times are not the same when a driver is tired,[5] and, as a result, they can end up in a serious accident.
Accidents with tired drivers tend to happen late at night, between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m. The fatigued driver tends to be alone and driving along an empty road with little light or places to stop.
Who Was at Fault in an Improper Lane Change Accident?
Georgia is an at-fault state. No matter the accident, at least one person will be held responsible for it.
Identifying who was negligent and responsible for the accident is the first step before seeking compensation. A successful personal injury claim will prove that their negligence caused the accident and your injuries.
When you work with an improper lane change accident attorney, you can expect full representation throughout the entire process, thorough analysis and review of all evidence, contacting key witnesses, and developing your case before filing a claim to their insurance company.
For example, your Atlanta personal injury attorney will request a copy of the police report, witness statements, photos, video, and accrued medical bills to showcase how the accident negatively impacted your well-being and created a significant financial burden.
What Actions Are Considered Negligent in an Improper Car Accident Case?
Negligence is the cause of the majority of car accidents. The State of Georgia Rules and Regulations defines an accident as “an unplanned or scheduled event that resulted in property damage and possible personal injury[6].”
However, when there is negligence involved, the accident is caused because one or both parties failed to take care before switching from one lane to the other. They may have failed to:
- Use their blinker.
- Look at their side mirror.
- Keep their speed and do not slow down.
- Look at their rear-view mirror.
- Look at their side before moving.
Can I Be at Fault for a Lane Change Accident?
The simple answer is yes. Georgia is an at-fault state.
If you committed any of these offenses that contributed to the accident, you may be held partially or completely liable for the accident altogether:
- Either speeding or slowing down to prevent someone from entering your lane.
- Cutting another driver off when they are trying to change lanes safely.
- Driving aggressively or recklessly.
These actions can hold you liable if they were committed during a lane change accident and come with consequences. Liable parties could face fines, tickets, higher insurance rates, and legal ramifications.
Environmental Issues That Can Cause a Car Accident
Sometimes, a contributor to the accident can be an environmental condition, like fog, heavy rain, or ice. Although there are road rules to adhere to, driver’s vision may be limited, or they may lose control of their car because of environmental factors. All of which lead their vehicle right to yours.
Governmental Negligence
State, city, and county roads are all maintained by one or more public entities. But when the roads are filled with potholes, uneven terrain, and poorly marked lanes and signage, it can lead to car accidents.
Although you may have crashed with another driver because they switched lanes on you, they may have had to react to a massive pothole or debris that seemed to appear out of nowhere. In cases like this, the governmental agency responsible for maintaining this roadway may be liable for poorly maintaining the roadway.
Improper Lane Change Attorney Will Handle Insurance Companies
Insurance companies may not want to pay—or pay much—for your claim. When you are working with an Atlanta improper lane change accident attorney, you will be represented throughout the entire claims process until a settlement is reached.
Your attorney will be able to prevent insurance companies from blaming you for the accident, suggesting you accept a low-ball offer, questioning the authenticity of your injuries, and even using intimidating strategies to pressure you into accepting less than you deserve.
Attorneys are used to insurance companies’ strategies to pressure victims to settle for less. In many cases, legal teams have their own strategies to handle these situations.
What Can Be Included in Your Claim?
Your improper lane change accident lawyer will know exactly what can be included in your claim. Although each case is different, you can expect to claim these damages and more if applicable to your case:
- Current medical bills
- Future medical expenses
- Lost wages, benefits, and job opportunities
- Property damages
- Unprecedented out-of-pocket expenses
- Pain and suffering
- Non-economic damages
Hire an Atlanta Improper Lane Changes Accident Law Firm
Improper lane changes and car accidents can cause some serious headaches. Victims find negligent drivers coming into their lane from out of nowhere, sideswiping their cars, or suddenly emerging from a parking space.
Car accidents caused by improper lane changes can lead to severe injuries and property damage, especially if they happen at a high speed.
If you were involved in a lane change car accident, we are here to help. The legal team at CEO Lawyer Personal Injury Law Firm will work for you to gather the right documents and evidence and build your claim for compensation.
Give us a call today to schedule your free initial consultation. You can reach us at (404) 777-8800 or contact us online to get started.